What is the most useless product you have ever seen?
I saw this on a program that was discussing such products. You know those times when you have the urge to go for your no.1 but are too lazy? It’s ok, we’ve all done it before, peed in the shower or even peed in the pool.
But what if you’re basically miles away from the nearest toilet? Do you just pee in public? Well a Floridan urologist invented a solution for this dilemma that is perfect for use at a local golf course. It’s called the UroClub.
You can see it’s a little bit wider than the traditional club and there’s a green cloth to hide your parts while you are standing in the sun during a gold game with your mates. Basically it’s a club that you can pee right into and hold your slosh, avoiding you having to make express trips off the greenery while not having to face the embarrassment of getting caught peeing in public. For older gentleman, I can see its value as a portable urinal. Maybe something I could see Donald Trump getting behind. But let’s not pretend it’s at least a little bit absurd, plus, it doesn’t come with a tap to wash your hands, you better hope you don’t touch the balls of someone who just did their deed.
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